A Mistake Turned Icon

A Mistake Turned Icon

The link above takes the reader to an article in which Bill Gates said that the now classic Control-Alt-Delete combination was a mistake. There could have been a single button for us to press for all these years when our computers have stopped functioning, but the keyboard designers did not stick to Gates’s vision. Even though not part of the master plan, this combination of keys is used by millions of users daily to log on, log off, or fix their computers.

This mistake-turned-legend further proves that just because something seems wrong at first does not mean it will forever be seen that way. Although Ctrl-Alt-Del was not in Gates’s grand vision, it wormed its way into every computer user’s vocabulary and has in no way damaged the reputation of Windows. 

In short, something that strays from your grand plan early on does not mean your professional life is doomed. As long as you’re willing to go and adapt with the changing times, few things can hurt you. Being willing to take small mistakes or hiccups in stride can alleviate much stress later on.